Overseas Pakistanis Foundation intends to engage a Consultant / Firms for carrying for CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF JAMIA MOSQUE AT OPF HOUSING SCHEME ZONE-V, ISLAMABAD..
- Proposals are invited from reputable Consultants / firms, who are active tax payers and have relevant experience. Single Stage Two Envelope Bidding Process will be adopted.
- Request For Proposal (RFP) Documents may be obtained from the office of Director General (Housing & Works), 3rd Floor, Housing & Works Division, Overseas Pakistanis Foundation Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat sector G-5/2, Islamabad on submission of application along with demand draft / payorder / cash amounting to Rs. 3000/- (non refundable) in favour of Overseas Pakistanis Foundation Islamabad being cost of bidding documents.
- The Proposals should be comprehensive containing details along with verifiable supporting documents i.e Company past experience, list of staff and current commitments.
- The proposals complete in all respect in sealed envelopes should reach on 20-03-2023 at 1200 hours in the office of Director General (Housing & Works), 3rd Floor, Housing & Works Division, Overseas Pakistanis Foundation Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat sector G-5/2, Islamabad.
- All the applicable Federal, Provincial & Local taxes must be considered while preparing the Financial Proposals. All these taxes are required to be built in the quoted rates and not be mentioned separately.
- The Consultant / Firm providing unsubstantiated and or incorrect information are liable to legal action and/or disqualification.
- This advertisement is also available on OPF & PPRA Websites.
- The OPF reserves the right to reject any or all the proposals as per PPRA Rules, on the basis of valid reasons prior to acceptance of Bid / Proposal.
Director General (Housing & Works)
OPF Head Office, Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat Sector G-5/2, Islamabad.
Tel : 051-9210264 & 051-9048352 Fax: 051-9224336
E-Mail: [email protected]